Curb and Gutter in Sacramento and Northern CA



Parking lot curbing and finger islands tend to take a lot of wear and tear from cars and root structures. When these areas have lifted and cracked they pose a risk to pedestrians and are unsightly. We specialize in removing and replacing curbs, fixing any pavement issues, and replacing the curbs to their original condition.
Sidewalk Safety, Inc.


Landscaping curbs within your property function as root barriers and a division between grass and vegetation areas. They are usually placed near trees and bushes which, over time, cause damage to the curbing. There is no need to call in a separate landscaping specialist to have these areas fixed as we can repair or replace these for you while maintaining the rest of your property.
Concrete Cutting


When the damage to the sidewalk extends out to the curb and gutter we can remove and replace city sidewalk and curb and gutter to restore the area back to its original condition. We follow all city guidelines for replacement, read city building diagrams, and take care of any paperwork necessary to secure an encroachment permit.
Curb and Gutter


When doing ADA upgrades and improvements to curbs we can also replace any broken wheel stops on your property. Handicap stalls that face a pedestrian path should have curbs that prevent obstruction to the path of travel. Call us today if you are in need of putting in new wheel stops or are looking to replace existing broken or cracked ones.
Sidewalk Safety

Get a FREE QUOTE on your Curb and Gutter project today!